Oxistop Methodology

OXISTOP Methodology

Would you like to know the Oxistop Methodology? First you should know that …

It's over!

No more miracle, restrictive and frustrating diets, shakes to lose weight, coffees to keep you from feeling hungry. No more weighing your meals to the last gram, counting every calorie, and depriving yourself of everything you like.

All of that could work for a couple of days, weeks, or even months, but it is not sustainable in the long term, as it is not a way of life. Life has to be enjoyed and the same goes with food.

Okay, we should not live to eat, but eat to live, but still, enjoying food and making each meal a pleasant experience is one of the keys to a full life.


Diets don't work!

Over the years, we have noticed that many people are not happy with their physical appearance, so they start dieting.

There are a lot of types of diets – almost all of which have one thing in common: calorie restriction and the division of foods into “allowed” and “prohibited.”

What happens in this case are three things:

1. Loss of muscle mass

Due to caloric restriction, we lose weight, but not only fat, but also muscle mass; that is directly proportional to the calories we burn per day, which means: the less muscle we have, the less we will burn.

During the diet, when we eat less than we need, that is not a problem, but the day we end the diet and return to eating normally, we will burn less than before, so we will regain the lost weight (rebound effect).

In fact, studies have shown that 80% of dieters regain weight within 2 years.

2. Nutritional deficiencies

If the caloric restriction is very drastic, we will eat less than what our body needs to function properly. In this case, the ingested nutrients will be allocated for vital and urgent processes, such as respiration, heartbeat, digestion, etc., leaving other cells little or no nourishment.

The effects are not seen immediately, but they do start to show after a while. Some symptoms can be for example fatigue, poor concentration, poorer memory or reduced bone density.

3. Feeling of guilt and frustration

We deprive ourselves of the foods we like; we secretly crave them, but we don’t eat them. That makes us feel frustrated and triggers “negative” hormones in our body.

If one day we fall into the temptation of eating them, we feel so guilty afterwards that not only do we not enjoy it, but our body will secrete even more “negative” hormones, which is counterproductive to weight loss.

In conclusion, dieting is not a long-term solution.

But then, what do we have to do to have the body we want and at the same time feel healthy, young and full of energy?

The answer is: Apply the Oxistop Methodology!

What is an oxistopper?

An oxistopper is a person who lives consciously and changes the habits necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is not someone who only focuses on eating well, but on living each day in such a way that it slows the oxidation of the body as much as possible.

Choose to live healthy

The oxidation of the body is the main cause of premature aging and of almost all diseases known today – from type 2 diabetes, heart disease, brain disease, migraines, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and even various types of cancer. It is due to the attack of free radicals in our body; these are unstable atoms, missing a part, whose objective is to get stable again.

How do they do that? By stealing parts of another stable atom from our body. The problem occurs when they begin to rob our healthy cells, which, as a result, begin to not function properly. The more exposed we are to free radicals, the more healthy cells will start to have problems and the worse our body will function.

Of course this does not happen within a couple of days or months, but is a process that begins to be noticed after a longer time of constant attacks by free radicals.

The main sources of free radicals are:

  • The atmospheric pollution
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Highly processed food
  • Pesticides
  • Stress
  • Alcohol
  • Solar radiation
  • Bad thoughts
  • Some medications
  • Chemical products
  • Heavy metals, such as mercury and arsenic

The good news is that by leading a healthy lifestyle and making good choices every day, we can prevent and even reverse the damage caused by oxidation.

Therefore, the main goal of an oxistopper is to prevent the oxidation of our body. How? Avoiding as much as possible the sources of free radicals and promoting the intake of substances that fight against them: antioxidants.

The 10 Commandments of the Oxistop Methodology

  1. Have a balanced diet, rich in all the macro and micronutrients necessary for the proper functioning of our cells.
  2. Choose local, organic and seasonal foods when possible.
  3. Practice moderate exercise daily (can be walking, dancing, weight training, running, hiking trails).
  4. Do not smoke and avoid cigarette smoke as much as possible.
  5. Avoid air pollution as much as possible (it does not necessarily mean living in the mountains, but even when living in a highly polluted area, avoid going out at peak times).
  6. Use sunscreen and stay out of the sun at peak times.
  7. Learn to manage stress levels.
  8. Think positive thoughts and focus on the good.
  9. Do not consume alcohol or reduce consumption to a couple of drinks a week.
  10. Avoid as much as possible the consumption of medications.

Do you also want to reach your best version?

We are grateful for helping many people to improve their lifestyle thanks to the Oxistop Methodology.

After so many years of applying it, we know it works! But beware. It is not something that happens overnight, it is a long-lasting process that involves changing your habits little by little.

If you are willing to take charge of your health and begin the transformation to your best version, we would be happy to support you along the way.